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         Reiki:     more books (100)
  1. Empowerment Through Reiki: The Path to Personal and Global Transformation (Shangri-La Series) by Paula Horan, 1990-01-25
  2. Reiki Fire: New Information about the Origins of the Reiki Power: A Complete Manual (Shangri-La) by Frank Arjava Petter, 1997-06-25
  3. Reiki Shamanism: A Guide to Out-of-Body Healing by Jim PathFinder Ewing, 2008-09-01
  4. Reiki Best Practices: Wonderful Tools of Healing for the First, Second and Third Degree of Reiki by Walter Lubeck, 2004-01-25
  5. Reiki and the Seven Chakras: Your Essential Guide by Richard Ellis, 2002-05-01
  6. Reiki Energy Medicine: Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice by Libby Barnett, Maggie Babb, 1996-05-01
  7. The Japanese Art of Reiki: A Practical Guide to Self-Healing by Bronwen Stiene, Frans Stiene, 2005-02-23
  8. The Book on Karuna Reiki: Advanced Healing Energy for Our Evolving World by Laurelle Shanti Gaia, 2001-05-01
  9. The Everything Reiki Book: Channel Your Positive Energy to Reduce Stress, Promote Healing, and Enhance Your Quality of Life (Everything Series) by Phylameana lila Desy, 2004-02-10
  10. Self-Healing Reiki: Freeing the Symbols, Attunements, and Techniques by Barbara Emerson, 2001-04-16
  11. Reiki for Beginners (For Beginners (Llewellyn's)) by David Vennells, 1999-09-08
  12. Reiki: Universal Life Energy by Bodo Baginski, Shalila Sharamon, 1988-05
  13. The Reiki Magic Guide to Self-attunement by Brett Bevell, 2007-09-01
  14. Reiki Handbook: A Manual for Students and Therapists of the Usui Shiki Ryhoho System of Healing by Larry Arnold, Sandy Nevius, 1992-11

21. - Free For All Reiki Links, Forum, Chat, Home Pages
reiki practitioner listings, forum, chat, home pages. Maintained by Raymond T. Kaya in Honolulu.Category Health Alternative United States Hawaii...... ). General Membersonly Forum A members-only forum for General Topics. reiki TeachersForum A members-only forum for reiki teachers. reiki. An Overview of reiki.
Welcome to It is now Your computer's time is
Free For All Reiki Links
Search for a Reiki practitioner or teacher in your area Please post your questions to our Forum. Forum Chat An Overview of Reiki Reiki for a Modern World ... Login - FTP-type Home Pages These must be Reiki-related.
(A file manager will allow you to upload HTML and image files to your website) Login - Simple-option Home Pages
(For those with existing simple-option home pages at ReikiAloha)
Health and Lifestyle
What's Wrong with Dairy Products?
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Vegetarian Foods: Powerful for Health
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Benefits of Exercise Walking
American Podiatric Medical Association Anal Fissure Self Help Page The Original Sobagara (Buckwheat Hull) Pillow Silver (Mercury Amalgam) Fillings vs. Composite Fillings
Michael C. Goldman, DDS Finding the Courage to Go for Your Dreams!
Dr. Ferne Cherne
Food: Down To Earth Natural Foods Media: KIKU Television
Hawaii's premiere multi-cultural television station The Honolulu Advertiser (Newspaper) Honolulu Star-Bulletin (Newspaper) Annual Events (Oahu): Honolulu Festival (March) Pan-Pacific Festival Matsuri in Hawaii (June) Taste of Honolulu (June) Aloha Festivals (September-October) Honolulu Marathon (December)

22. Ahora REIKI, Ahora REIKI
Qu© es, origen, historia, terapias, cursos, enlaces, dudas y el­xires.
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23. IARP - International Association Of Reiki Professionals
Supports practitioners. Membership information and benefits, newsletter.Category Health Alternative reiki......The IARP is the professional association of the global reiki community.Many benefits include quarterly newsletter, professional


Member Benefits

Membership Info

Members Only
Legal and Policies

elcome to the IARP's web site. The International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP) is the professional association of the global Reiki community. We are an organization for you and work to create a supportive environment within Reiki. We provide a forum for support and professional, personal and spiritual growth. The IARP was founded under the belief that "Together, we can do so much more". It is a privilege and an honor to have and to share the healing art of Reiki. As Reiki Practitioners and Masters, we are all working toward the same goal of personal and planetary healing, growth and transformation. It is in recognizing the oneness of our goals that we can truly work in community. IARP Mission
  • To provide a forum to encourage support, partnership, connection and working together (physically or in spirit) among Reiki Masters and Practitioners throughout the world. To anticipate and prepare for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for the community.

24. World-of-Reiki
reiki und Esoterikshop sowie kostenlose Eintr¤ge in Meister- und Seminarliste.

25. Institut De Reiki, Reikianalyse, Enseignement Et Formation Reiki, Therapie Psych
Enseignement du reiki traditionnel japonais au travers des formations et des m©ditations sp©cifiques. Paris.
l'institut de reiki dispense l'enseignement du reiki traditionnel japonais au travers des formations et des meditations specifiques sur Paris. reiki, pratique reiki, enseignement reiki, formation reiki, reikianalyse, consultations reiki, reiki certification, therapie reiki, spiritualite reiki, psychotherapie, bien etre, guerison, relaxation, meditation shoden, stress, bouddisme, yoga, sante, religion, relation d'aide, tantra bouddhique, maitre reiki, imposition mains, mikao usui, séance reiki l'institut de reiki dispense l'enseignement du reiki traditionnel japonais au travers des formations et des meditations specifiques sur Paris. reiki, pratique reiki, enseignement reiki, formation reiki, reikianalyse, consultations reiki, reiki certification, therapie reiki, spiritualite reiki, psychotherapie, bien etre, guerison, relaxation, meditation shoden, stress, bouddisme, yoga, sante, religion, relation d'aide, tantra bouddhique, maitre reiki, imposition mains, mikao usui, séance reiki

26. Reiki, Een Goede Start Voor Traditioneel Usui Reiki, Tera Mai Reiki,
Een forum, een chatbox en een emailgroep over reiki.Category World Nederlands Alternatieve Geneeswijzen, reiki is een onderwerp waar je over kunt blijven praten, reikiroept vragen op,op kan je altijd terecht voor die vragen.
If you speak english, please visit the
Reiki4all site
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Reiki e-mail groep
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Reiki-collega's en -vrienden ontmoeten.
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Een collectie Reiki en aanverwante boeken netjes op een rijtje.
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Gedichten en verhalen
Leuke gedichten en mooie verhalen, geselecteerd, geschreven en geplaatst door forumleden. Bloesem remedies Dr. Bach, homeopaat, ontdekte in de jaren '30 reeds dat bepaalde soorten bloemen harmonie brengen in de menselijke geest. Hun positieve krachten kunnen negatieve gesteldheden deblokkeren. Hij ging er vanuit dat er als een mens zich niet gelukkig voelt na enige tijd een ziektebeeld kan ontstaan. Dr. Bach heeft 38 bloesemtincturen gemaakt, die elk op specifieke gemoedstoestanden werkzaam zijn. Zij kunnen bijvoorbeeld zorgen, paniek, irritatie, verdriet en onzekerheid verhelpen. Ook vermoeidheid, pessimisme en ongeduld zijn zo werkelijk te verhelpen.

27. Now Age
General information about chakras, reiki, and the emotional source of disease. Also offers flower and stone meanings.

28. Reiki Ryoho Pages By Light And Adonea
Classes, advanced techniques, class schedule, events calendar, art and extensive articles. Maintained Category Health Alternative reiki......reiki Ryoho is a spiritual discipline and energy science; contains indepthinformation. From the Southwestern Usui reiki Ryoho Association.
Reiki Ryoho Pages by Light and Adonea
An interactive book about Reiki and Reiho.
From the Southwestern Usui Reiki Ryoho Association
One of the most comprehensive and extensive web sites about Reiki and Reiho on the internet. These pages contain the History, Introduction, Organizations, Branches and Schools, Classes and Manuals by Light and Adonea, explanations of how to do various Basic to Advanced Techniques, Usui Sensei's Principles, Excerpts from Mrs. Takata's Diary, Articles, Links, Art, Resources (including books, audio/video tapes, research papers, newsletters, newsgroups,  mailing lists, message boards, chat rooms) and more. New information about Usui Reiki Ryoho or Reiho the system of Reiki taught by Usui Sensei.
Click here or on the image to enter.

These webpages are dedicated to the enlightenment of all sentient beings.
May all who view these pages be purified of all illness and obscurations, and attain enlightenment in this lifetime.

29. Reiki Plain And Simple
Comprehensive guides to Usui Shiki Ryoho. Online book by Vincent Amador.Category Health Alternative reiki......This Site features reiki, Seichim, Karuna Ki reiki Training, Energywork, Angels. Welcometo a free esharing of reiki information, e-books and manuals.
Site Contents
The "Reiki Plain and Simple" Main Site contains all current information, links and an index for all the sites and e-books contained here Site Index - Table of Contents for all web sites listed below. Reiki Plain and Simple A Comprehensive Guide to Usui Shiki Ryoho. An E-Book and Comprehensive Manual and Articles on Reiki and Usui/Tibetan Reiki by Vincent Amador Reiki Ryoho Plain and Simple
A Guide to Reiki Ryoho. An E-Book by Vincent Amador The Reiki Do Organization The Way of Being Reiki. Reiki-do is "BEing Reiki". It is the direct experience of "what is" reiki. Reiki-do is walking the path, being the path. The ReikiXtras A Guide to using Reiki that is not Usui Reiki. An e-book by Vincent Amador. Karuna Ki - A c omprehensive manual of the history, practices, symbols and attunements of the art of Karuna Ki Are you looking for a Teacher who shares reiki for free? There is a new listing being developed for those that want to share reiki for free or are looking for a free teacher. If you are a teacher who teaches reiki for free, please click here.

30. Oasis Reiki Institute-Reiki Training, Healing Sessions, Techniques And Inspirati
General information on healing, meditation and prayer. Email discussion group.
Reiki Seminar Schedule Reiki in Local Hospital Subscribe to OASIS REIKI NEWSLETTER! Read Archives ... Testimonials New! Media Room About Us What Is Reiki? Quotes From Our Manuals ... Advanced Reiki Techniques
New Invisible Force
"Subtle energy" therapies such as Reiki are showing substantial results. Select others How I Feel About ReikiPart I How I Feel About ReikiPart II Reiki and Compassion The Horse Named Blue Energetic Rapport Creativity, Holistic Living and Reiki Place, Belonging and Meaning Distant Healing by Elizabeth Targ, MD Guided Meditations Oasis Reiki Forum
Usui Channels
Please vote Connections
Are you an energy healer? Do you practice energy medicine? Perhaps
you are simply seeking. Subscribe to Global Healing Weave
“I have just visited your site and I salute you for your output. It is informative and well organized and has a warmth and invitational quality to it which will be of benefit to all those who visit. When I read your comment: ‘Love is all there is,’ I can tell you that I am personally honored to have such sentiments represented in our directory. Thank you for joining with us and I hope you will continue your membership for a long time to come.” — Michael Spivak, President, Good Health Directory

31. Reiki Ryoho Pages By Light And Adonea
Indepth information on Reiho or reiki, an energy science developed by Usui Sensei.reiki Ryoho Pages by Light and Adonea. reiki Ryoho Interactive Communication.
Reiki Ryoho Pages by Light and Adonea
Serving the Reiki Community online since 1997 Welcome to Light and Adonea's Reiki Ryoho Pages. This page is the table of contents for our ever growing interactive book on Reiho and Reiki. In these pages you will find comprehensive information about Reiho (Usui Sensei's original system of Reiki) and Reiki, extensive resources (including books, audio and video tapes, newsletters, mailing lists, newsgroups and more), Reiki branch and school information, organizations, the history, basic to advanced information about Reiki, and many Links. We also list our Reiki Ryoho classes and teaching schedule, manuals, and numerous articles about Reiki Ryoho. We are continually updating these pages so come back often to see what's new. Right is the Reiki Kanji drawn by Adonea, that represents Usui Reiki Ryoho. Left is the hanko or chop for Light and Adonea. Translate Automatically
French - German - Italian - Portuguese - Spanish
Table of Contents for Reiki Ryoho Information
Introduction to Reiki
What Reiki Ryoho is and is not, Benefits of Reiki, Definition of the Reiki Kanji, Definition of Usui Reiki Ryoho and Usui Shiki Ryoho, Reiki Principles, Ways of Writing Reiki, Levels or Degrees of Reiki, Ranks and Levels in Reiho, Reiki Treatment, 21 Day Cleanse, Distance Treatment, Principles for Directing Energy, Excerpts from Takata's Diary.

32. Joe Potter - Reiki-Research Site
This site aims to share treatment results from contributing practitioners. Also, general information about the therapy.

33. Reiki
reiki. The two characters above are Reiki written in Japanese. What Is reiki.reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a laying-on of hands energy healing technique.
The two characters above are "Rei-ki" written in Japanese. Rei in Japanese means spirit. And ki means life force energy. Together they can be read as "spirit led life force energy".
What Is Reiki
Reiki (pronounced ray-key ) is a laying-on of hands energy healing technique. Based on ancient wisdom it was developed in Japan by a Buddhist monk named Usui Sensei in the late 1700s and early 1800s. It has been described as a form of Shinto/Buddhist Qigong . Besides the potential of healing the body, as a Buddhist practice it can be used to lead one to transcend the ego and see "Reality". Usui Sensei founded a group in Japan (the Usui Shiki Ryoho in Tokyo) to continue on with the practice after his death. Since his death in 1826 there have been five "presidents" or successors. The current successor is Ms. Kimiko Koyama. Although Reiki has been in practice in Japan since Usui's death, it wasn't until 1980 that it was popularized in America and other Western countries. It is very sad how in the West the Buddhist practice of Reiki has been so commercialized, mixed with so much disinformation, used for ego building, and made very "wu-wu". Transcending the ego is something Westerners (myself included) generally have a very hard time with. On a personal note, Reiki is part of my spiritual practice, which includes

34. Usui Reiki Ryoho - La Linea Occidentale E Quella Orientale
reiki, il metodo di guarigione naturale di Mikao Usui. Pratica e seminari nell'insegnamento occidentale e in quello orientale (giapponese).
Seminari ed Incontri Ogni Lunedi sera, alle ore 21.30
a FIRENZE Scambi di Reiki e trattamenti, a chiunque sia interessato.
Per informazioni potete scrivere a:

I maestri dell'Associazione Reiki On collaborano con il "Giardino dell'Anima" -Via Giotto, 5/7 - Signa (FI)
"metodo di guarigione naturale di Mikao Usui", originato in Giappone e introdotto in occidente dalla signora Hawayo Takata. Si tratta di una disciplina mente-corpo che si occupa del riequilibrio energetico e della guarigione fisica e mentale di chi lo pratica, ma rappresenta anche e soprattutto un percorso di crescita personale e di evoluzione spirituale.
Il Reiki era ritenuto fino ad oggi scomparso o praticamente assente dal Giappone, ma le nuove informazioni, le ricerche storiche attualmente in corso e il contatto con il Lignaggio Giapponese e con allievi diretti di Mikao Usui ancora viventi completano e ampliano la visione del Reiki e delle sue caratteristiche di "metodo di guarigione" completo.
Usuireiki news

"Reiki On"

T©cnica de cura e harmoniza§£o. reiki gera paz, saºde, evolu§£o e prosperidade. Livrese de todas as desarmonias iniciando-se nessa poderosa t©cnica.
R E I K I A CURA PELO AMOR ATRAVÉS DAS MOS A esta página, esclareça as suas dúvidas.
Nota: É com profundo sentimento de pesar que informamos o falecimento do Mestre Reiki Romeu Sander no dia 11/06/1999. Lembramos a todos que este site foi criado e desenvolvido pelo próprio mestre e que este continuará na rede para esclarecer dúvidas. Todo o trabalho desenvolvido pelo Mestre Romeu Sander segue com muita intensidade, sendo desenvolvido por sua esposa Wéra M. Sander (Mestre Reiki) que sempre o acompanhou, ministrando cursos de Reiki. É com muita satisfação que o recebo nesta página para falar um pouco sobre esta maravilhosa e eficaz técnica de harmonização e cura natural - Reiki, sobre o nosso trabalho de atendimento individual e ainda sobre os cursos. Meu nome é Romeu Sander, moro na cidade de Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul e sou um estudante da vida, procurando intensamente as respostas para as tradicionais perguntas que povoam a mente de todo buscador : Quem sou? De onde vim? Para onde vou? Qual a minha missão? E muitas outras.

36. Tera-Mai Reiki En Seichem, Eindhoven
Uitleg van TeraMai reiki en Seichem. Praktijk van in Eindhoven. Geeft ook cursussen en inwijdingen.
voor Tera-Mai TM Reiki , -Seichem
en Magnified Healing
In een aantal punten probeer ik uit te leggen wat Reiki en Seichem is, wat het doet en wat je ermee kunt.
  • De oorsprong van Reiki systeem zoals we het nu kennen is gelegd door de herontdekking van de japanner Mikao Usui aan het begin van de vorige eeuw. De origine van het Reiki systeem, of handopleggen, ligt nog veel verder terug. Usui heeft onder andere vedische, boedhistische en tibetaanse geschriften bestudeerd alvorens na een langdurige meditatieperiode door een bewustzijnsverruimende ervaring zijn energiedoorgeefkanalen in het lichaam volledig geopend werden en hij inzicht kreeg in hoe de gave doorgegeven kon worden.
      activeert of stimuleert het zelfgenezend vermogen (heel jezelf eerst) zorgt voor een diepe ontspanning heft energieblokkades op, neemt negatieve energie weg en vult met positieve energie aan het beschermt je; het zorgt ervoor dat je zelf geen negatieve energie (ziekten, problemen) van anderen opneemt ontgift (veel water drinken voert onzuiverheden af) heelt niet alleen op het fysieke vlak maar ook op het emotionele, het mentale en het spirituele vlak

37. Hvad Er Reiki
Skeptisk artikel af Tom Thygesen Frederiksen.
Den Nye Dialog Indeks E-mail
Hvad er Reiki?
af Tom Thygesen Frederiksen Reiki the healing touch. Uniting the world in love. Usui sidst i 1800-tallet fandt Reiki (udtalt "ræj-ki"), der beskrives som en healingteknik fra ældgamle dage. Reiki er angiveligt et japansk ord for "den universelle livskraft", en venlig og intelligent åndelighed i verden, som mennesket får kontakt til via hemmelige indvielser, symboler og kropsberøringer. Den vækker kroppens livskraft og giver sjælen visdom, så man kan heale sig selv og andre – eller blot opnå velbehag. Karin Worms. I artiklen Die grosse Inflation der Meisterschaften i det tyske "livsanskuelses-magasin" Esotera Meditationsteknik og penge Men Worms røber, at målet er en "spirituel udvikling", som opnås gennem dyb meditation og eksakte teknikker. Herunder får udøveren magiske evner såsom clairvoyance. Opøvelsen kræver nøje overvågen af en Reiki-lærer, der synes at svare til en guru. Undervejs skal eleven opøve dyder såsom "ærlighed, ærefrygt og taknemmelighed" - menneskelige kvaliteter, som en Reiki-lærer formodentlig vil værdsætte hos sine elever under alle omstændigheder. Hertil kommer særligt buddhistiske dyder, såsom at man ikke skal bekymre sig og reagere følelsesladet. Don’t worry, be cool.

38. Reiki Plain And Simple - Reiki Manual And Reiki Training
This Site features reiki, Seichim, Karuna Ki reiki Training, Energywork, Angels. reikiPlain and Simple Ó A Comprehensive Guide to Usui Shiki Ryoho
Site Contents
The "Reiki Plain and Simple" Main Site contains all current information, links and an index for all the sites and e-books contained here Reiki Plain and Simple A Comprehensive Guide to Usui Shiki Ryoho. An E-Book and Comprehensive Manual and Articles on Reiki and Usui/Tibetan Reiki by Vincent Amador Reiki Ryoho Plain and Simple
A Guide to Reiki Ryoho
An E-Book by Vincent Amador The Reiki Do Organization - The Way of Being Reiki. Reiki-do is "BEing Reiki". It is the direct experience of "what is" reiki. Reiki-do is walking the path, being the path. The ReikiXtras A Guide to Using Reiki that is not Usui Reiki
An E-Book by Vincent Amador Karuna Ki - A c omprehensive manual of the history, practices, symbols and attunements of the art of Karuna Ki Site Index - Table of Contents
Are you looking for a Teacher who shares reiki for free? There is a new listing being developed for those that want to share reiki for free or are looking for a free teacher. If you are a teacher who teaches reiki for free, please click here.

39. Reiki Center
Qu© es el reiki, beneficios y niveles.
a la página del
Traditional Reiki Center Desde 1986 en Argentina
Es el Centro que reune a aquellas personas "Maestros y practicantes" que siguen el método de Reiki tal cual fué transmitido desde sus orígenes, sin modificaciones ni agregados, garantizando así la pureza de las técnicas y la excelencia del método para que una persona, cuando sea iniciada, experimente desde el primer momento la apertura del canal y la sanación en su cuerpo físico, emocional, mental y espiritual.
En 1986 Jorge Magri TRM (Traditional Reiki Master) introdujo este método en diferentes paises de Latinoamérica y fundó en Buenos Aires, Argentina el "Traditional Reiki Center" , lugar en el cual, los practicantes de Reiki se reunen para compartir experiencias, intercambiar tratamientos y crecer interiormente para lograr una mejor calidad de vida. NOTA: Debido a que en la actualidad muchas personas se están inescrupulosamente autodenominando "Traditional Reiki Masters" (Maestros Tradicionales) y "Reiki Tradicional" sin haber recibido la correcta instrucción en el método y sin pertenecer al International Traditional Reiki Network con base en New York, fundado en 1984, rogamos dirigirse a Maestros Tradicionales en Sud América donde encontrará una lista de personas preparadas y autorizadas a enseñar el verdadero Reiki Tradicional.

40. Usui Reiki
Information for anyone interested in Usui, including students and teachers. Articles, resources, calendar Category Health Alternative reiki......Welcome to the Usui System of reiki Healing, Usui Shiki Ryoho. The Usui System ofreiki Healing is a translation of the Japanese phrase, Usui Shiki Ryoho.
W elcome to the Usui System of Reiki Healing, Usui Shiki Ryoho. Our site provides information for anyone interested in Reiki, including students and teachers of this healing art. The Usui System of Reiki Healing is a translation of the Japanese phrase, Usui Shiki Ryoho. The Usui System of Reiki Healing is the form of natural, hands-on healing received and developed by Dr. Mikao Usui and passed on through a distinct method of teaching and practice. The Usui System of Reiki Healing includes an oral tradition and initiation ritual, the use of specific symbols, a defined form of practice, and recognition of a particular spiritual lineage. Inside you'll discover more about the Usui System of Reiki and find out how you can learn it.

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