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66. Touch of Strange G280 1ST Edition
67. The Synthetic Man, No. G636
68. New Soviet Science Fiction
69. The Best from Fantasy and Science
70. The Cosmic Rape
72. To Here and the Easel
74. The Joyous Invasions
76. STARTLING STORIES - Volume 30,
77. Not Without Sorcery
78. STAR TREK - AMOK TIME - xerox
79. Die goldene Helix
80. Visions and venturers

61. SCIENCE FICTION SHOWCASE: Ticket to Anywhere; That Low; Or the Grasses Grow; The Man Who Ate the World; The Long Remembering; The End of the Begining; A Work of Art; The Cold Green Eye; Med Service; Expendable; Mantage; Nightmare Number Four
by Mary (editor) (Damon Knight; Theodore Sturgeon; Avram Davidson; Frederik Pohl; Poul Anderson; Ray Bradbury; James Blish; Jack Williamson; Murray Leinster; Philip K. Dick; Richard Matheson; Robert Bloch) Kornbluth
 Hardcover: Pages (1959)

Asin: B000GJZCW6
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

62. VENTURE SCIENCE FICTION - Volume 2, number 4 - July 1958: Two Dooms; The Clash of Cymbals; On Hand - Off Hand; Contact Between Equals; The Biggest Damned Martini in the Universe; The Money Tree; Lady of Space
by Robert P. (editor) (C. M. Kornbluth; Isaac Asimov; Theodore Sturgeon; Alb Mills
 Paperback: Pages (1957-01-01)

Asin: B003EZI98S
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan


Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

64. MYSTERY CATS (1) One; MORE MYSTERY CATS; MYSTERY CATS (3) Three: Susu and the 8:30 Ghost; Ming's Biggest Prey; Long Live the Queen; Miss Paisley's Cat; Arnold; Cat's Paw; The Abominable House Guest; The Faithful Cat; The Lady Wore Black; Hardrock
by Cynthia (editor) (Lilian Jackson Braun; Patricia Highsmith; Ruth Rendell; Roy Vickers; Fred Hamlin; Mary Reed; Theodore Sturgeon; Patricia Moyes; Hugh B. Cave; Gary Erickson; Margaret B. Maron; Edward D. Hoch; Joyce Harrington) Manson
 Paperback: Pages (1991)

Asin: B000N5I7RA
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

by Roy (edited by) [introduction by Theodore Sturgeon] [Elizabeth A. Lynn Torgeson
 Paperback: Pages (1978)

Asin: B003HB2MVO
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

66. Touch of Strange G280 1ST Edition
by Theodore Sturgeon
 Paperback: Pages (1958)

Asin: B003LMOGO0
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

67. The Synthetic Man, No. G636
by Theodore Sturgeon
Mass Market Paperback: 174 Pages (1961-07-01)

Asin: B002ECWTO2
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Cover code #G636 indicates 2nd printing (1961). First published in Fantastic Adventures, February 1950 as "The Dreaming Jewels." The Pyramid paperback had six printings between 1957 and 1974. The author's first novel. ... Read more

68. New Soviet Science Fiction
by Theodore (Intro) Sturgeon
 Hardcover: Pages (1979-01-01)

Asin: B000DCO6PK
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

69. The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: A Special 25th Anniversary Anthology
by Theodore Sturgeon, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Fritz Leiber, Poul Anderson, James Blish
 Paperback: 433 Pages (1977-06)
list price: US$1.95
Isbn: 0441054609
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

70. The Cosmic Rape
by Theodore Sturgeon
Hardcover: 231 Pages (1977-06-01)
-- used & new: US$371.09
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0839823622
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Hardover, no DJ as issued. Text offset from that of the 1958 Dell edition. New introduction by Samuel R. Delany. Adds "To Marry Medusa," the original novelette-length version of "The Cosmic Rape." ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

4-0 out of 5 stars Utopia science fiction made special by Sturgeon
The Cosmic Rape ("To Marry Medusa" is the short story from which it was expanded) tells the story of a wandering space conquerer who is shocked to discover that humans, unlike any other race it had ever known,did not have a group mind. Convinced that this is how it's meant to be,Medusa enlists the help of a born loser to put all the brainwaves backtogether again.

The Cosmic Rape is one of these utopia vision sci-fi novels that seemed to populate the late 50s/early 60s. Sturgeon is a fine writer, and his recognizable style makes it immediately much more than the sum of its parts. The characters are grubbily and wonderfully real, even if the plot can't always say the same for itself.

Recommended for fans of science fiction writing of the period, and for fans of Sturgeon. ... Read more

71. THREE (3) TO THE HIGHEST POWER : The Lost City of Mars; The Maginal Man; One Foot and the Grave
by William F. (editor) (Ray Bradbury; Chad Oliver; Theodore Sturgeon) Nolan
Paperback: Pages (1968)
-- used & new: US$7.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B000GVXZJ6
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

72. To Here and the Easel
by Theodore Sturgeon
 Hardcover: 224 Pages (1973-06-14)

Isbn: 0575016434
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

Mass Market Paperback: 247 Pages (2004-03-05)
-- used & new: US$33.60
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 2290340871
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

74. The Joyous Invasions
by Theodore Sturgeon
Paperback: 207 Pages (1967)

Asin: B000LCMSAM
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

by Sturgeon Theodore
 Paperback: Pages (1961)

Asin: B0042FFAO0
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

76. STARTLING STORIES - Volume 30, number 3 - August Aug 1953: Journey to Misenum; The Wages of Synergy; The Runaway Tricycle; Never Tempt the Devil; The Last Spring; Video Technics; Quantum Relativity; Where Are Those Space Ships
by Samuel (editor) (Sam Merwin; Theodore Sturgeon; Ralph Sloan; William Rati Mines
 Paperback: Pages (1953-01-01)

Asin: B003EZ8WMG
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

77. Not Without Sorcery
by Theodore Sturgeon
Hardcover: 160 Pages (2008-06-13)
list price: US$36.95 -- used & new: US$24.14
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1436713390
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone! ... Read more

Customer Reviews (2)

5-0 out of 5 stars Classic Sturgeon Prose
Beautiful, with a classic horror story (It) and several hard SF stories that contain a nice touch of humor (Ether Breather, Butyl and the Breather)Can't go wrong with Sturgeon!

5-0 out of 5 stars The usual for Sturgeon: EXCELLENT
One of the first collections of short stories that Sturgeon published was called "Without Sorcery."This is a wonderful collection of short stories that include some of my favorites. ... Read more

78. STAR TREK - AMOK TIME - xerox 2nd revised final draft shooting script 1967
by Sturgeon Theodore
 Paperback: Pages (1967)

Asin: B004384BVO
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

79. Die goldene Helix
by Theodore Sturgeon
 Paperback: Pages (2005-01-01)
-- used & new: US$30.29
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B001FSLC6C
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

80. Visions and venturers
by Theodore Sturgeon
Hardcover: 300 Pages (1980)

Asin: B0007C24AA
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

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